Prep Time:
25 minutes
Cook Time:
20 minutes
Total Time:
45 minutes
Side Kick Salmon
Citrus glazed salmon side with an artichoke dill salad
- Preheat grill to medium.
- Season salmon with salt and pepper on both sides; brush with vegetable oil on both sides. Reserve.
- For the Glaze: In a medium saucepan, over medium heat, combine ingredients. Bring to a simmer and reduce until thickened. Reserve.
- For the Dressing: In a food processor, combine dill, apple cider vinegar, honey and mustard. Blend, adding oil in a gradual stream.
- In a large bowl, combine artichokes, olives, red onion, jalapeños, tomatoes and dressing. Refrigerate.
- Place salmon skin side up on grill. Cook for 7 minutes. Gently turn salmon skin side down; baste with glaze frequently. Cook until internal temperature reaches 145 degrees, approximately 7 minutes. Remove from grill and reserve. Grill the lemons, limes and oranges until grill marks form. Reserve.
- Serve salmon topped with salad. Garnish with dill and grilled citrus.
Tip: Avoid moving the fish unnecessarily after placing it on the cooking surface. Turn it gently and only once to ensure a uniform and intact piece of fish.
Recipe Courtesy of Chef Tricia, ALDI Test Kitchen